
45 children were rehabilitated at the Western Rehabilitation and Sports Center of NSCDU in Lviv region

Common Help UA helps affected by the war Ukrainians not only with food kits, clothes, and equipment. We also try to take care of restoring the emotional state of adults and children.
So the next batch of aid for the Western Rehabilitation and Sports Center of the Ukrainian National University of Science and Technology in the Lviv region, in addition to the most necessary household items, included board games, a table for drawing with sand, sets for art and occupational therapy.

All these was given to children who were at the center in the "Everything will be Ukraine!"rehabilitation summer camp, which is organized by the "Law and Democracy" Regional Public Charitable Foundation in partnership with the Children's Fund of Germany (Kinderhilfswerk ChildFund Deutschland).

45 children aged 10-14 underwent rehabilitation at the Western Center in two shifts, each of which lasted 12 days.

The summer camp program included a full medical examination, work with psychologists and neuropsychologists, general physical training. Children tried at the following sports: boxing, judo, biathlon, archery, Nordic walking, went on excursions and hikes, made mandalas, dolls, painted, put puzzles and enjoyed playing board games.

We sincerely thank all partners!
2022-09-07 10:38