
Alina Shaternkova joined the Common Help UA team

Alina Shaternіkova approached the Common Help UA team of the charitable foundation "Test Yourself". 

"We united Zusillya, so that we could more effectively help people who suffered in the war. Together we helped help near the established village of Velika Dimerka, Brovarsky district. Here was born our champion of the world, a professional Ukrainian boxer - Viktor Postol and boxer of new generations."

The bulk of the bula was under the occupation of the Russians, since hundreds of Ukrainians here simply can’t think of normal minds for life: shabby, slammed huts, without light, scorched and vicons - the rashes were wiped from the face of the earth by the streets of the streets. It's scary to see what people have gone through. Bil, vodchay, tears in the eyes of mothers of a disabled child, an old grandmother, they cannot deprive them of baiduzhim. Donkeys used to live like rocks, and now they’ve been left behind on the ruins, they just have nowhere to go, live at the same time with a hermitage.

We will help address the team who needs it the most and don’t get in trouble on their own.

We were at the Great Dimerci, conversed, did their best to work, assessed the virility, the ability of the viskonate, cleaned up the rubble in one booth.

Friends, I ask you to reach out to good help, whoever you can. Please, that at the same time at the Great Dimerci, you can have a video.