
Useful, cheap, tasty, and there is in every household...

What it is? Of course, cabbage!
☺️As we promised, we share with you the recipes for preserves from the participants of the Common Help UA humanitarian project, that have already made more than 26 ️⃣ thousand cans!

We offer for your attention a delicious and simple "Petal"salad by Mrs. Larisa from Izyum city.

Mrs. Larisa found a new home in the Bilyky community in the Poltava region, where she works together with the project team at the canning enterprise on base of the "Bilyky Agro" company.

💬 "I am extremely grateful for the work I was given in the cannery, because I worked as a cook before the war, and was involved in the preparation of various dishes, including cabbage. I really like this vegetable for its taste and culinary properties. And that's why I offered my family cabbage recipe called "Petal". It is easy and simple to prepare."

And here there is a recipeis :
For 1 liter of water:
  • 30 g of salt
  • 150 g of sugar
  •  100 g of vinegar
  •  40 g of oil

Bring everything to a boil and pour over the vegetables: chopped cabbage + grated with straws beet, and spices to taste. You can also pour cold brine.