
Roman and Vadim Tchaikovsky are brothers who have been engaged in volunteering since the beginning of the full-scale. And they are ours

Roman and Vadym Tchaikovsky are brothers who have been volunteering full-time since the beginning of the war. They are also our daredevils, who won the "Daring" mini-grant project from the @Common Help UA humanitarian project and purchased a kinesitherapy simulator.

The brothers are implementing their project together. Immediately after the full-scale invasion, Roman was forced to move from the most dangerous neighborhood of Kharkiv, Saltivka, where he lived, and returned to his hometown of Khorol. Here, the brothers first turned Vadym's gym into a volunteer headquarters, and later resumed training for everyone.

Sports enthusiasts of all ages visit the gym: from 4 to 72 years old! There are group and individual fitness and kickboxing classes.

The brothers work and at the same time look for ways to develop. And he who seeks always finds! The guys joined the Smile project and were trained, filled out a grant application, drew up a business plan and budget, and won the Entrepreneurship category, receiving UAH 80 thousand to purchase a kinesitherapy simulator.

- "Kinesiotherapy is an activity-based treatment," say the Tchaikovsky brothers, "This technique is used for back pain, after sprains, ligaments, fractures, joint injuries, and other indications, as well as for orthopedic spinal diseases, diseases of the cardiac, circulatory, and respiratory systems, in the preoperative and postoperative period. Unfortunately, many of our defenders and civilians get injured every day, so we have to do our best to help them get back on their feet!

Watch the story of the brothers and their "brave" Sich sports club in the video that was broadcast on Espresso TV channel.

The project was implemented thanks to Astarta-Kyiv CO "Light of Hope" Charitable Foundation "Believe in Yourself" Raiffeisen Bank - Aval