
Common Help UA: charitable foundation "Povіr svoebe" together with the Association "Danube Soya" supports patients of the Oskil Psychoneurological Dispensary

From the first days of the war, the Oskil psychoneurological boarding school in Kharkiv region was subjected to bombardment. And then salvation came: 257 female patients were gladly accepted in three institutions in Khmelnytskyi region: Vynohradiv, Dunayevtsi and Medzhibiz psychoneurological boarding schools.

Recently the girls received food kits, hygiene products, clothes, creative kits from Common Help UA and the Donau Soja Association.

Lilia MARACHKANETS, head of Astarta's corporate partnership and communications department: "Astarta has been cooperating with the Danube Soy Association since 2019, and we are glad to be its members. Especially now, when the war is going on, we are incredibly pleased to cooperate in humanitarian initiatives together. We support not only people, but also our economy, since all goods were purchased exclusively from national manufacturers. We thank our partners for their support and trust!"

In total, more than 1,300 ID Ukrainians received help in 13 communities.

Mykola Bykov, agronomy consultant of the Donau Soja Association:
"The Donau Soja Association helps suffered Ukrainians in several directions. One of them is assistance to resettled persons: both in Ukraine and abroad. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians currently do not have the most necessary things, and we want to show the European parterres who these people are, who exactly we support."

You can join the project on link:

2022-08-12 17:39