
Psychological support rooms in Kobelyatska, Novoorzhytska and Hlobynska communities!

Three psychological support rooms are opened in Kobelyatska, Novoorzhytska and Hlobynska communities.

Mental health is an integral part of everyone's well-being, especially in times of war. Dramatic events, danger and stressors associated with hostilities have a significant impact on the psychological state of Ukrainians. That is why it is so important to increase the accessibility of psychological assistance for all those who need it.

We are grateful to our partners for their joint work, because thanks to their cooperation, we have overhauled the classrooms, equipped them with all the necessary furniture, equipment, and teaching materials. And here children and adults will be able to get psychological counselling and spend time with benefit.

How do psychological support rooms work in communities?

Classes with children and psychological counselling are conducted by qualified specialists with many years of experience - certified psychologists and educators work here.

For children of all ages, developmental classes to improve cognitive processes, such as logic and imagination.

For adults - psychological counselling, psychological trainings, various relaxation and breathing exercises using sand therapy and art therapy.

"The opening of psychological counselling rooms is a very important step in creating a healthy and sustainable society, especially when the country is going through a war. It is important to understand that mental health is as important as physical health. Often we focus on the visible consequences of war, but internal experiences and emotional state also require attention.

We are convinced that the psychological counselling rooms will become a safe space where people can share their inner painful experiences and receive qualified support.

Astarta, as a socially responsible business, will continue to support such projects as we understand that this is a step towards strengthening the mental state of the population, supporting and improving the quality of life of all citizens," said Lilia Marachkanets, Head of Corporate Partnership and Communications at Astarta.

"We recognise that people are the most valuable resource for the growth and prosperity of any community. After all, everyone can bring something new and useful, and our task is to lay the groundwork for the realisation of their potential.

This joint project with our partners is about creating comfortable conditions for this very purpose.

We are investing in the mental health of IDPs, as this is the key to their successful integration into society," says Pavlo Pustovoitenko, project manager of the Light of Hope charity.
2023-09-12 10:24