
Maria Moseychuk, the winner of The course towards Independence: "When you follow the call of your heart, the whole universe helps you"

Formerly a director of a wholesale company, today she is one of the most successful beekeepers in Ukraine!

Maria Moseychuk's story is an inspiring one: she was afraid of insects most of her life, and now she has an apiary with 100 hives and a successful business. She brings together similarly strong-willed and incredible women in the NGO Beekeepers' Women's Foundation, promoting women's leadership and entrepreneurship!

Thanks to her victory in the The course towards Independence from the Astarta-Kyiv agro-industrial holding, the Believe in Yourself Charitable Foundation and the German Development Bank DEG, she purchased stickers and now packs not only honey but also pollen! There is no analogue of this product in Ukraine yet.

Our Maria also cares about children's health: she plans to donate the healing honey to local schools so that children can enjoy a healthy and tasty product all year round.

Watch the new video by our media partners ShoTam? to find out more about her ambitious plans, innovative ideas, heartfelt work, and school projects:
2023-05-09 10:55