
Help for the family from Velyka Dymerka

Let me introduce you to the family of Antonina Vakulenko from Velyka Dymerka.

This woman suffered many trials. For 30 years, she has been fighting for the life of her "special" son. In addition, the "russkiy mir" brought her even more grief - throughout the occupation, she, with a disabled child in her arms, hid from the shelling.

Surprisingly, they managed to survive, but the house was damaged, so she simply could not restore it on her own. Now their house requires a complete replacement of all windows and front doors, restoration of water supply and heating, and partial reconstruction of the roof.

Our humanitarian project Common Help UA, having visited this family, decided to support them. We have already given them food, helped clear the blockages, but the restoration of the house requires significant funds.
We are starting to raise funds to help Antonina's family.

We need 215 000 thousand UAH (6500$)

Help for donations
2022-05-09 23:43