
CHUA together with “Povir u sebe” charity foundation and Nova Ukraine continue to help the suffered families from the deoccupied villages of Velyka Dymerka and Bogdanivka

The humanitarian project Common Help UA together with “Povir u sebe” charity foundation and Nova Ukraine continue to help the suffered families from the deoccupied villages of Velyka Dymerka and Bogdanivka, Kyiv region.

Forty families who lost their homes and are forced to live in dormitories were provided with bedding sets, detergents and the necessary household appliances for dormitories, including kettles, refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves.

Also 300 food kits were given for people from low-income families and persons with disabilities.

We are sincerely grateful to everybody who supports our humanitarian project with funds. Step by step we bring Victory together!

2022-07-03 13:16